5 simple tips to make working at home easier

Nikki Carter working
When people hear that you work at home, they automatically presume you spend your time sitting in your pyjamas with your feet up drinking cups of tea. I know my partner still seems to think that. But from my experience, it is far from that.

Before 2020 I had always worked in an office, commuting daily from home to work. Then Covid came along, changing our whole way of life; I began remote working and opened my own business; homeworking became the norm. I would be lying if I said there have never been days spent in my PJ’s at my desk because I have. Days when I have been busy and did not need to leave the house and spent the entire day in my pyjamas. But try not to do it anymore because it affects my mental health and well being. There are many benefits of homeworking, no daily commute, more flexibility with your hours of work, but sometimes working from home can also be detrimental to your mental health. It can be stressful, challenging and sometimes a lonely place. So I put together these simple tips for working from home to help you become more productive while considering your health and wellbeing. Each comes from my experiences and challenges over the last year of being at home and working.
Nikki Carter working

1. Start the workday by getting dressed

Yes, I know sitting in your pyjamas sounds great, but it soon affects your mood, and you begin to feel frumpy. Starting your day with a shower and putting some fresh clothes on lifts your mood and sets you for the day. Even if you only put on a pair of joggers and jumper. You are still creating a morning routine that is great for your mental health and wellbeing.

2. Remember to take breaks from work

Have you ever sat at your desk in the morning, and the next time you look, the hours have flown, I know I have? Homeworking can be like an alternate reality where time passes without you realising. You have no colleagues to remind you to go for a brew or just for a quick chat. But taking a break from your work gives you time to recharge and makes you more productive. If you are like me and prone to forgetting the time, add an alert to your computer, and it will tell you to – get a brew.

3. Plan your workday

Before you sit down each day to start working from home, make a plan. It will make a world of difference, especially if you are like me and have two jobs. When I first began homeworking, I worked without a schedule, and things got put to one side or even forgotten. Now I plan my day to the hour, knowing what I will be doing and when helps me get things done on time and in order of importance. The best thing is, these days, there are loads of online platforms that you can use to help you. I use Trello along with a diary and a printed day planner. There is no right or wrong way to plan your day discover what works best for you.

4. The housework can wait

Housework? I hear you say, what has that got to do with working from home? When you are at home every day, it can be tempting to worry about the cleaning. The breakfast pots in the kitchen, the living room could do with a quick hoover, all the jobs that would usually get done in an evening seem like a good idea to do when working at home. But they can wait! When you worked in the office the housework never got done so why would it need doing when you are working at home. It will still be there when you finish work. When you start doing it during work time, it becomes distracting to your day.

5. Take time to make contact with the outside world

Working at home can be a lonely place! You can go days without any contact with the outside world. A quiet workspace can be relaxing but also very isolated. When the only person you have spoken to is your dog, you begin missing human interaction. As someone who has struggled with my mental health, I can find this part of working from home hard. I sometimes feel withdrawn from the outside world. But it doesn’t have to be like that! You can find groups in the social media world where you can interact and learn from like-minded people. Or I ring a colleague and spend a little time catching up. Just a few minutes a day chatting can make a world of difference to your wellbeing.

Following these five simple steps daily, my life working at home has become much more productive and healthy, and yours could be too.

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